Patrick Martino - Professional Land Surveying, Inc.

Serving the Mississippi Gulf Coast and the state of Mississippi


Boundary Survey

The purpose of a boundary survey is to establish all of the exterior limits of a parcel of land. Multiple steps must occur in order to properly determine the location of a parcel of lands' exterior limits. Courthouse research is performed to obtain pertinent information regarding the boundary limits of the subject parcel and also adjoining properties. Field reconnaissance is then performed and all corners are recovered and located. Analysis of all information regarding the property corners recovered is then analyzed, and all boundary limits are then flagged in the field.

Mortgage Survey

A mortgage survey is a survey that includes a boundary survey and also shows all improvements, which are located on the subject property and any encroachments from neighboring properties. (Improvements are anything that is permanently fixed to the property, such as a home, driveway, sheds, fences etc.) Lending agencies often require a mortgage survey prior to loan closing, in order to ensure that there are no future complications. Most lending agencies consider a survey current if it has been performed within the last six months; however, this varies from agency to agency.

Topographic Map

This is a visual representation of the lay of the land. This map will include all features on the parcel, man-made or natural, and their relationships to each other horizontally and vertically. A digital terrain map is often created in drafting software and contours and spot elevations are shown. This map will, in basic terms, show the lay of the land and drainage features.

As-Built Surveys

As-built surveys are accomplished by mapping all new features constructed on a job site to obtain an accurate location and elevation of newly installed dirt, roadways, sewer lines, water lines, drainage features, and other items that may be designed. Often, there is a comparison done between the as-built and the construction plans the contractor was provided with, to ensure all items were installed correctly.

ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey

This type of survey is typically used in the lending process for commercial real estate transactions. A surveyor must follow the 2011 guidelines as established by the American Congress of Surveying and Mapping, and the American Land Title Association. This survey is basically a catch all for anything on the site that could be a red flag in a real estate transaction. All improvements on the site will be located and plotted as well as easements, lot lines, utilities, access points, floodplain, and any other information that would be of interest to a title insurance company. See ALTA Standards for any further requirements.

Municipality Survey and Plat Map

This survey is required when a new parcel is to be created within a district that has adopted a land development ordinance. Some cities and counties will also require a Certified Survey Map when landowners want to change their current lot lines. Certified Survey Maps are created in order to meet guidelines set forth in Land Development Ordinances and planning department agencies. The CSM requires approvals by local town, county, or city officials and the process can be tedious and lengthy at times. We will help the client with the various applications and documents needed in order to meet requirements set forth by the governing agency in which the property is located. Planning Commission meetings and/or city council meetings are often required to complete this process.

Flood Elevation Certificate

Flood elevation certificates are mostly used to determine the cost of obtaining flood insurance. This certificate is now a four page Federal Document that has to be filled out. These are a few of the items that are required: the type of structure, the flood zone that the structure lies within, the ground elevation adjacent to the structure, and the finish floor information. It is very important to get a surveyor who has a vast knowledge of the requirements when filling out a flood elevation certificate. One mistake on the Flood Elevation Certificate can lead to your insurance being much higher than it should be. Unlike a mortgage, insurance never ends, so it is important to have a thorough and complete Flood Elevation Certificate to ensure you are getting the proper flood insurance rate.

Subdivision Plat

Depending on which municipality the property is located in, large tracts that are divided into residential neighborhoods normally require the subdivision process. At Patrick Martino PLS Inc, we will work with the client, engineers, and governing agencies to develop a plan that will be suitable to state and local statutes and will meet the client's development goals.

Condominium Plat

A Condominium Plat is a map that is prepared when a client wishes to sell individual units within a single structure (condominium). The client will work with an attorney to have the Condominium Declarations drafted, which will explain all the intended uses and restrictions of the Condominium property. Once this is done the surveyor will provide a boundary survey and locate the structures situated on the parcel. When the Condominium Plat is drafted, the surveyor will designate the square footage of each type of unit and give the total number of units within the development. Pertinent restrictions that apply to the property that can be shown on the Condominium Plat, such as common areas and or limited use areas.

Site Plan

Site Plans are prepared when a builder, engineer, architect, or other professional needs to have visual representation of how their improvements will fit within the confines of the subject parcel. Often times if you’re planning to build a new home or put an addition on to an existing home, a site plan will be required by a building, zoning, or planning administrator so they can see exactly what you plan on doing with your property.

Commercial & Residential
Construction Layout

Patrick Martino PLS, Inc. can help a builder or developer with staking out their entire site from start to finish. We will coordinate with the general and subcontractors to stake all improvements including: grading, buildings, utilities, pavement, lighting, and much more, in a timely and efficient manner. We have staked out anything from private residences, to roadways and highways, commercial complexes, businesses, and large apartment complexes.

Road Construction Staking

Construction surveying services are an integral part of nearly every road project. We work hand in hand with the general contractor and other subcontractors on the job from the start of the job until the end. The contractors use our staking to complete nearly every aspect of their work. It starts with the initial layout for the grading crew and ends with stakes that are used for the pavement and curbing.

Legal Descriptions

This service is commonly used for the transfer of a new parcel of land or an easement of some kind. We will work with you and your lawyer in drafting the appropriate description with a property exhibit showing the described area. A legal description is basically the foundation for all things land related. After all, this is what describes what you own based on your recorded deed. Always avoid brief and ambiguous descriptions; they often lead to future complications.